By January 16, 20080 Comments Read More →

1994 Ford Mustang White Exhaust Smoke Smells Like Gas

Reader Question I have a 1994 mustang that is putting out white smoke and smells like gas. The he ground is like oil and gas mixed together. What gasket would I have to replace to fix the problem or is it something else.


Hello there Les

I would first start with a cooling system pressure test, white smoke can be from coolant that has leaked into the engine combustion chamber. Any repair shop can do this inexpensive test for you while you wait.

This will see if you have a blown head gasket or other internal coolant leak. You might want to check the engine oil dipstick to see if it looks milk chocolate shake looking, and if your spark plugs are wet with coolant and have a white powder on the electrode end.


Austin Davis

Posted in: Exhaust Smoke

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